EdDoc: home/python
The following words are reserved and form the core vocabulary available in Python.
Section | Description |
and | A logical operator used to check whether two conditions are satisfied. |
as | Used to assign a shorthand reference to a module. |
assert | (advanced) Used when debugging |
break | |
class | |
continue | |
def | |
del | |
elif | |
else | |
except | |
False | |
finally | |
for | |
from | |
global | |
if | |
import | |
in | |
is | |
lambda | (advanced) |
None | |
nonlocal | |
not | |
or | |
pass | |
raise | |
return | |
True | |
try | |
while | |
with | |
yield | (advanced) |
Operators are symbols that can be used in your programs. They are broadly speaking mathematical or logical symbols rather than words
Section | Description |
= | assignment operator: Used when you assign a value to a variable name. |
== | equals operator: Used to compare values; returns True if they are the same. |
!= | not equals operator: Used to compare values; returns True if they are the different. |
> | greater than operator: Used to compare values; returns True if the first value is greater than the second. |
< | less than operator: Used to compare values; returns True if the first value is less than the second. |
>= | greater than or equals operator: Used to compare values; returns True if the first value is greater than or equal to the second. |
<= | less than or equals operator: Used to compare values; returns True if the first value is less than or equal to the second. |
+ | addition operator: Used to add two numeric values or combine two strings. |
- | subtraction operator: Used to subtract the second number from the first. |
* | multiplication operator: Used to multiply two values together. |
** | power operator: Used to raise a number to a certain power. |
/ | division operator: Used to divide the first number by the second. |
// | integer division operator: Returns the number of times the second number goes into the first completely. |
% | modulus operator: Returns the remainder after integer division. |